Wednesday 4 January 2012


This is a really powerful way for increasing Facebook fans without really doing more work…just changing what you do slightly.
If you already have a blog, or are setting one up, using Facebook for marketing is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog, but your blog is also a great way of driving people to your fan page. When people become fans, you can keep them up to date, therefor building a relationship with them and generating leads and cashflow via your fan base.
I see lots of people putting Facebook ‘Like’ boxes on their blogs, but they do not actively drive people to their fan pages. I personally built up 900 fans in 10 days using several different Facebook marketing strategies. One of them was to do a ‘call to action’ at the end of my blog post each day.

A call to action should be a regular part of your strategy for increasing Facebook fans

Now, if you haven’t been doing a ‘call to action’ at the end of your posts, let me first explain what this is and why it’s so powerful. When someone comes to your blog and reads your post you are giving them value, you are giving them a solution to the problem they have. If they finish reading and there’s no call to action, they simply hit the back button and go back to Facebook, google, twitter…wherever they came from.
If you give them a call to action, a way to FURTHER solve their problem, or learn more about the subject you are talking about you can get them to actually opt in, or become a fan. You are getting them to take ACTION, to connect with you more.
So now that you are using a call to action at the end of your blog posts, you should be alternating between getting people to go to your subscribe page (or put their details in an on-page form) and getting them to connect with you via your fan page.

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